Create Grade Categories in Brightspace



The  Grades area is a reflection of the instructor-controlled Grade area that the faculty build.  Some columns will be automatically added when assignments and assessments are created, while others can be created manually.  The order and availability of columns in the Grades area is also controlled through the Grade Area.

The Brightspace Grade tool

A grade book contains your grading system, grade calculations, grade scheme, grade items, and view and display options. Grade items in your grade book represent all the work that you want to evaluate users on in a course. You can evaluate specific tasks such as assignments, tests, and participation, and you can also create grade items and associate them with course objects such as assignments and quizzes.

Brightspace Documentation on creating categories

This documentation explains how to create categories in the grade area

Creating Brightspace Grade Categories on YouTube

This tutorial explains how to create grade categories in Brightspace

Brightspace Ticket: Support and Services

The associated support ticket form covers all types of BrightSpace requests, including questions about the migration and training materials.



Article ID: 145737
Fri 8/12/22 12:53 PM
Fri 8/12/22 12:55 PM