Before following these instructions, please see the following:
- These instructions are for students only - not for faculty and staff. Faculty and staff should not forward their official University email account to an external address.
- Even for students, we strongly recommend you use your University email account directly and do not forward it to an external address. If you do so - we cannot guarantee reliability for your external email and are not responsible for mail not delivered or marked as spam on your external email.
That being said, if you are a student at the University and want to forward your Microsoft 365 email you can do so as follows:
- Access your Office 365 account via
- Once logged in, click the settings icon at the top right (it looks like a gear) then click "View all Outlook settings" button at the bottom (see screenshot below).
- Click Forwarding
- Click the Enable forwarding box and enter your external email address.
- If you want to keep a copy of the messages sent to your address, click the "Keep a copy of forwarded messages" box.
- Click Save at the bottom right when done.