There are email scams impersonating messages from Payroll - that have already been seen at other SUNY schools. An example of one of these scam emails that was sent to employes at another SUNY school is below (with some information specific to that school redacted.
Good link:
Bad link:
If you look at both links without hovering over them - they appear the same - but the destination (which is seen by hovering over - but not clicking on the links - is different.
Always be cautious about clicking on links in email - whether they are from - or APPEAR to be from New Paltz, SUNY, or other businesses and organziations you deal with in your daily Internet usage.
If you receive a legitimate message from our Payroll system - such as referencing Time & Attendance, there is no need to click a link in the message. You can always access the SUNY Time & Attendance (and other payroll related information) via