Reporting Phishing Emails - Phish Alert


If you receive a phishing email (AKA a fraudulent email purporting to be from a legitimate sender that try to get you to disclose information such as usernames/passwords, or other sensitive data) - you can report these messages to Information Technology Services quickly via Outlook.  How to do so depends on how you access your email.

Reporting such messages is critical.  When ITS knows about a phishing message that slipped through the filters we can: update the filters to catch similar messages, warn the campus, potentially block the destination page from being accessible from on-campus, and can get the site taken down (by the ISP).

Using the Phish Alert button is both quick and easy, and gets us the information we need to investigate the issue.

Outlook Web Access (If you get to your email via your web browser)

  1. Go to the message you wish to report.

  2. Then - click the Phish Alert button - it looks like an envelope with an orange fishing hook on it (as seen in the screenshot below).
    Screenshot of the options on a message with the phish alert button highlighted

  3. You'll be asked to confirm whether to report this message.  Click the Phish Alert button to proceed.
    Phish Alert confirmation window


Outlook 2016 or 2019 (Desktop Version)

  1. Go to an email you want to report.
  2. Click on the Phish Alert Report in the toolbar at the top right (as in the screenshot below):
    Phish Alert Button Screenshot - Outlook 2019
  3. You'll be asked to confirm whether to report this message.  Click the Phish Alert button to proceed.
    Phish Alert confirmation window - outlook desktop version

Outlook Mobile App

  1. Open the phishing message you want to report.
  2. Click the more options button on the message (indicated by the orange arrow in the screenshot below):
    Outlook Mobile - more options screenshot
  3. Click the Phish Alert icon at the bottom
    Screenshot of the Outlook Mobile app indicating the Phish Alert button
  4. Click Mobile Phish Alert to confirm you want to report the message.
    Screenshot of mobile confirmation window



Article ID: 82847
Wed 7/10/19 2:52 PM
Wed 7/24/24 9:07 AM