Creating a contact list - Outlook Web Access


A contact list (also known as a group list, or a distribution list) is a collection of contacts. It's sometimes also called a distribution list.

You can specify a contact list as a recipient when you compose an email message. When you send the message, it goes to all of the contacts in the list at the same time. For example, you might create a contact list named "My book club" and add all of the members of your book club to it. Then to address a message to everyone in the club, you would only have to enter My book club on the To: line of the email.

  1. Go to your mail account, and click the People icon on the left, below the Mail & Calendar icons, as shown in the screenshot below.

    Screenshot of OWA with the People icon highlighted
  2. Next to the New contact button at the top left, click the down arrow and choose New contact list.
  3. Name the contact list, and add email addresses to that list.
  4. Click Create when done.



Article ID: 19198
Thu 12/1/16 1:55 PM
Mon 5/13/24 2:17 PM