Qcamera - Document Camera Software
Before starting the software please verify the document camera is turned on.
Locating the Software
Select windows Icon on the computer in the lower right corner and navigate to the 'Qomo HiteVision' folder and then select 'Qcamera'
Connecting to a Document Camera
Once the Qcamera software is running, select the camera icon in the lower right corner
The 'Insert Camera Devices' pop up will appear.
Select your document camera from the device drop down list.
Select a resolution. If you do not like the results of a resolution you can restart the this process by selecting the camera icon and select another.
Click the 'Connect' button
Once the camera connects, the video from the camera will be shown, you can now select the 'Close' button on the insert camera devices pop-up box.
Explore the other functions of the software, Good Luck!