Service Catalog

Categories (8)

Communication & Marketing

• Requests • Web Pages • Design
• Print and Mail • Hawksites • TerminalFour

Accounts, Access, & Security

• Account Request • Password Reset
• Card Access • Duo • Security

Software & Apps

• Web-based Apps • Installed Programs
(BrightSpace, Banner, Argos, Office 365, My.Newpaltz, Remote...)


• PCs • Peripherals • Phones • Directory
• Networking • Audio/Video
• Classroom/Lab Equipment.


• Wired & Wireless Issues
• VPN Support

Digital Accessibility

• Support for campus users with disabilities
• Deque University Account

Technology Acquisition & Assessment

• For departments requesting a technology review before the purchase or renewal of software/hardware

Additional Campus Services

• Card Services • Institutional Research
• Development and Alumni Relations • Facilities
• MakerBot