What is Jabber?

Cisco Jabber is a particularly useful tool for remote teaching and working, and is available to all SUNY New Paltz employees. The software connects to the campus telephone system and acts just like a phone on your desk, enabling you to operate your office phone from your computer or mobile device.

Use this link to place a request with Information Technology Services. Please type “Jabber Request” in the title and include your campus user ID, phone extension, the type of device you’d like Jabber installed on, and whether it is a personal device or College property.

With Jabber installed and running, you won’t have to forward your desk phone or give out your personal contact information to receive calls while working from home – all callers can reach you by dialing your regular campus number, and outgoing calls will originate from the campus, meaning the people you call will see the campus caller ID and not your personal contact information.

Jabber can be installed on a PC, Mac, Android phone or iPhone. It can be used with devices’ built in speakers and microphones, though for the best experience a headset should be used. The College has a limited number of headsets available on request by faculty and staff.

Employees with questions about Cisco Jabber can contact Will White, assistant director of telecommunications, at whitew@newpaltz.edu.

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