Faculty: Self Assessment Tool


Self Assessments is a formative assessment tool that enables you to provide students with a series of questions and immediate feedback for responses. Question types available are similar to quizzes, however, student responses are not graded and self-assessment questions do not have a points value or difficulty level indication. The omission of numeric evaluation enables students to make reflective learning and course material comprehension their main priorities during a self-assessment.

  • Self Assessments is a formative assessment tool that enables you to provide learners with a series of questions and give immediate feedback to their responses.
  • The omission of numeric evaluation enables learners to make reflective learning and course material comprehension their main priorities during a self-assessment.
  • You can use self-assessments as a way of enabling learners to provide feedback on how well they think they are doing with course material.
  • Answering self-assessment questions can illuminate learners to their own skills and development.

For a how-to on the self-assessment tool; See Brightspace Documentation

Source: (OSCQR Standard 45, 47, )

Brightspace Ticket: Support and Services

The associated support ticket form covers all types of BrightSpace requests, including questions about the migration and training materials.

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Article ID: 148171
Thu 12/8/22 10:07 AM
Thu 12/8/22 10:07 AM