FAB 320 Classroom Computer Lab Technology Instructions

Tags FAB320
The room capacity is: 18

FAB 320 Room Image

To turn on the Projector

  • Press the DISPLAY ON button on the Crestron Control Panel
  • Please do not press any other buttons while DISPLAY ON is blinking

To display the Computer

  • Power on the computer and log in
  • Press the PC button on the Crestron Control Panel
  • Please note that only the Mac computer will display on the monitor

To wirelessly display a personal device through the Crestron AirMedia

For more information, walk in to the Service Desk in Humanities 103 or call 845-257-HELP (4357).
For a better understanding of audio visual technology, review the IT Glossary For Users.
Submit a ticket if you are experiencing a Classroom or Lab Technology Issue.
To loan AV technology, receive one-on-one AV technology training, and more, submit an Audio Visual Request.

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