If you are experiencing an issue signing into Microsoft 365 Apps (Word, Office, Excel, or other MS Office suite products) and you are getting an error similar to the one pictured below, here are some steps that can help you log back in

This error can also occur with multiple different numbers but occurs after you enter your username but before you can enter your password.
Close any open Office Applications including Teams
On your computer navigate to c:\users\<yourusername>\appdata\local\microsoft (your username will be the name that is displayed on your screen when you log into the computer). You can paste this into file explorer and it will take you there (after you substitute your username) or you can navigate to it through file explorer
If you do not see the appdata folder it is because it is a hidden folder. For more information on viewing hidden files in windows see this article
Once you are in the microsoft folder, delete the OneAuth and IdentityCache folders. You can also cut and paste them to a different location like your desktop.
Restart the Office application you are trying to access
Click on the Sign-In option
You should now be able to sign-in without issue