Faculty: Turnitin's AI writing detector

About Turnitin AI Detection. 

Managing assessments, shaping conversation, dealing with AI generated submissions, and decision-making resources for faculty in their classrooms.

TII AI Detection Adoption:

  • Turnitin is the campus supported tool. 
  • Turnitin is integrated into our Brightspace DLE and part of the Similarity Reporting tool, TurnItIn. 
  • Turnitin is a product that is specialized for student writing 
  • OIT does not recommend using any other outside tools for AI Detection (Just as it does not recommend any unsupported tool that is not under campus license) 

TII AI Detection Accuracy:

Keep in mind that no AI detection tool is perfectly accurate.  Some tools, however, are more accurate than others.  Fortunately, our official campus tool is among the better tools.  To learn more about false-positives and detection tool rankings, please see these articles: 

TII AI Detection Capabilities:

If you have questions about how TII works, this article provides some answers. 

How does it work? What do the results mean? What technologies are used? Is it up to date? As well as other questions answered.

Getting Started:

AI Detection for Instructors - links you to TII’s “Getting started with AI writing at Turnintin.” This helpful guide for instructors includes information on planning and preparing (understanding AI tools and how to use the TII AI writing indicator) as well as how to prepare students for AI writing tools (understanding policies and tools, focusing on original thinking, and communicating well with students).     

TII’s “Guide for approaching AI-generated text in your classroom” offers 11 strategies for educators.

TII’s AI Writing Puzzle Infographic, A road map for solving AI concerns - links faculty to a variety of guides and approaches to help faculty.

Preparing Assessments 

AI misuse checklist - While it cannot guarantee that your assignments will be immune to AI generation, this helpful AI misuse checklist guides instructors in developing writing assignments that are more likely to make use of AI difficult.

Evaluate your assignment - TII’s AI misuse rubric helps faculty evaluate their assignments and design toward discouraging AI use.

Dealing with AI generated content

Handling False positives - No AI detector tool is 100% accurate.  False positives can happen, and faculty must not assume that a positive result from an AI tool means a student used AI.  TII’s “AI conversations: Handling false positives for educators” provides a helpful checklist of things to consider before and during an assignment as well as after an assignment is submitted. 

Approaching Students - Additional information and tips for working with students suspected of misusing AI can be found in TII’s “Approaching a student regarding potential AI misuse” checklist.


AI Glossary - In case you need further explanations

Turnitin Blog - Advancements, updates, networking and reflections on tools.

Turnitin Resources on AI

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