Creating a Report
When creating the survey, under the Reports Setup tab, click on the Add Report button

After naming and setting up the data options, you should see the section of Release Report To. The list contains all the roles from all SUNY Campuses. Select the option to make it visible to:
- Yourself(and other instructors that have been enrolled with the Instructor role to this course): NEW - Instructor (Non-Cascading)
- Your course TA/GAs: NEW - Course Assistant (Non-Cascading)
- Your course Tutors: NEW - Student Tutor (Non-Cascading)
- Your course Reviewers: NEW - Instructor (View Only) (Non-Cascading)

Generating the Report
In Instructor Only>Course Admin>Surveys, select Reports from the drop-down menu. When you select the report you've created, you'll be directed to the Generate Report page. After selecting the time period for the report you intend to create and generate it in .csv, .xslx(preferred) or .html formats.