Panopto Storage Model

This model went into effect as of the January 2025 contract renewal.

Content in Panopto must stay below the storage threshold indicated in our contract. To meet this requirement we will be following a five-year retention cycle that has two stages: archive and deletion. Please note: content that is being actively used is exempt from this retention cycle, as are certain specialized content libraries that are intended for permanent archival purposes.  

Stage 1: Archive

  • Content that has not been viewed within the last two years will be moved into archive storage.

Stage 2: Permanent Deletion

  • When content is moved into archive storage it will be retained for three years. 

    • Users can easily access their archival storage area and retrieve content if it is needed within these three years. Please note that retrieval from the archive can take up to 48 hours.   

    • Content recalled from the archive will begin the five-year cycle again. 

  • Content in the archive that is not accessed within three years will be permanently deleted. ​​​​​​

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I use my content on a regular basis.  Will it be moved to the archive?
A: No, if content in short-term storage is being regularly used (within at least a two-year period) it is exempt from being archived. 

Q: If a video used in a class has been moved into the archive, can a student request to have it retrieved?
A: Yes, any user who is authorized to access the video can request that the content be returned to the live storage area. 

Q: If my video has been permanently deleted in Panopto, will it still be available in my Brightspace course?
A: No, videos in Brightspace are linked to Panopto, so if a video is permanently deleted in Panopto it will also be deleted in Brightspace and cannot be retrieved or restored.

Q: What if I don't want any of my content to move to the archive area or be deleted?
A: As a campus, we must stay within the terms of our contract for content storage.  Only content that has been unwatched for a significant length of time will be moved into the archive area and then ultimately deleted on this five-year cycle. Unwatched content that has reached the end of a five-year cycle is unlikely to still be relevant. 

Q: A video that I know I will use again has been moved into the archive area - can I move it back to the live storage area?
A: Yes, if a piece of content will be used again, you can return it to the live storage area to reset the two-year clock. 

Q: I have one or more videos that are part of a specialized collection that should remain permanent. How do I make sure these videos are retained?
A: We have already created several permanent libraries that are exempt from these retention rules. If you believe you have specialized content that should be permanently retained, please submit a Panopto support ticket and we can check the status of your content.  If it is not already in one of these permanent libraries, we will be happy to discuss your options.  

Q: How do I check my archive?
A: We recommend checking your archive regularly. This article explains how to check your archive and restore a video, if necessary.

Q: How can I get help with my Panopto account?
A: If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a Panopto support ticket, and a member of the Office of Instructional Technology (OIT) team will get back to you.