Connecting to NP Hawks Guest
The free "NP Hawks Guest" WiFi network can be accessed by visitors such as conference or event guests, alumni, prospective students, and visiting family members. Note* You must have a phone that can receive text messages in order to get your login credentials.
The "NP Hawks Guest" wireless network is available indoors in almost all offices, classrooms, dining areas, and public spaces. Guest wireless is not available in Residence Halls except during certain summer programs.
Campus visitors wishing to access free wireless service should follow these simple steps:
1. Verify that you are in a wireless service area by checking your wireless signal for the network named "NP Hawks Guest". Connect by selecting the wireless network "NP Hawks Guest".
2. Most devices or web browsers should notify of a need to sign into the network. If your device does not launch a browser (such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE, etal) and attempt to go to a website such as
3. You should be redirected to a sign in page with a button leading to a registration page. Complete the registration form completely.
3. A guest wireless account will be created and the credentials will be sent as a text message to the cell phone number you provided.
4. Use the credentials received in the text message as your username and password to sign into the network. Reconnect to the "NP Hawks Guest" network if needed to get back to the login page.
5. You should now be connected to the NP Hawks Guest wireless.
This text message you receive with your username and password will also contain the date and time on which your account will expire. A new account can be requested at any time after your account expires. You should not use the the NP Hawks Guest wireless network if your device was previously setup to use the eduroam network. Students, faculty, and staff should use the eduroam network instead of NP Hawks Guest. Guest access is intended for use by visitors to SUNY New Paltz and can accommodate general tasks such as checking email and Web browsing.
Need further assistance? Contact us by calling the Service Desk at 845-257-HELP (4357) or emailing
Example - Apple iOS devices (iPhone, iPad)
1. Verify that you are in a wireless service area by checking your wireless signal for the network named "NP Hawks Guest". Connect by selecting the wireless network "NP Hawks Guest".

2. You should see a login window appear on your screen (if this login window does not appear open a web browser and attempt to access a website such as

3. Tap the Get Guest Account button. Fill out the registration form and tap the Register button.

4. You should receive a text message with your username, password, and account expiration time. Reconnect to "NP Hawks Guest" if you were disconnected by viewing the text message. Tap the "Sign Into Guest Wireless" if needed.

5. Use the username and password you received to sign into the network.

6. After tapping the Log In button you should now be connected to the NP Hawks Guest wireless network.
Need Assistance?
Contact the IT Service Desk at (845)257-4357 or email