To turn on the Television
- Press the DISPLAY ON button on the Crestron Control Panel
- Please do not press any other buttons while DISPLAY ON is blinking
To display an image from an HDMI source
- An HDMI port is provided on the wall under the Television
- Connect your equipment using an HDMI cable that you provide
- Press the HDMI button on the Crestron Control Panel
To display a Laptop
- A VGA port is provided on the wall under the Television
- Connect your laptop to the VGA and 1/8" audio cable that you provide
- Press the LAPTOP button on the Crestron Control Panel
To conduct a video conference
- This space is equipped with a camera and microphone that can connected directly to your computer with a USB cable
- Connect a USB cable to the USB port provided on the wall under the Television
- Please review the Webex Meetings Guide to conduct your video conference over Webex
- Please review the Microsoft Teams Video Training to conduct your video conference over Microsoft Teams
For more information, walk in to the Service Desk in Humanities 103 or call 845-257-HELP (4357).
For a better understanding of audio visual technology, review the IT Glossary For Users.
Submit a ticket if you are experiencing a Classroom or Lab Technology Issue.
To loan AV technology, receive one-on-one AV technology training, and more, submit an Audio Visual Request.
Learn more about Extended Virtual Technology in the classrooms.