Digital Sender

Q: What is a Digital Sender?
A: “Digital Sender” is just a fancy name for a scanner that sends you files via email.

Q: What can you do with it?
A: You can scan photos or documents into several file formats, including JPEG and PDF.

Q: Where can I find this device?
A: In the following computer labs or kiosk areas: Humanities 107; Coykendall Science Building 119; van den Berg Learning Center 115; Peregrine Dining Hall Computer Lab; Old Main 131; and the Lecture Center North Lobby.

Q: How do I use it?
A: To start taking advantage of this useful device, follow these instructions:

       Email button on screen              1. Touch the “E-mail” button to begin.
"To:" field 2. Select the field below “To:” either by tapping the screen or hitting TAB twice.
Digital keyboard on scanner 3. Pull out the keyboard for your typing convenience.
Recipient screen 4. Enter the recipient for the document you are about to scan and touch “OK.”
Local Address screen. Click "no" when prompted when asked if you would like to add to local address book 5. You will be asked if you’d like to add the address to the “Local” address book.
      You should say “No” here.
More Options screen 6. Choose “More Options.”
Document File Type Screen 7. The default Document File Type is JPEG (which is great for photos).
     To see additional options, choose “Document File Type.”
Changing scan to different formats 8. Here is where you can change to other popular formats, including PDF.
Note for Advanced Users:
 To create multi-page PDF, turn on “Job Build.”
For front and back, enable “2-sided” under Original Sides.
Start Button 9-A. To use the document feeder, simply place your sheet(s) face-up in the tray and hit the green Start button.
9-B. To scan something directly on the flatbed, open the lid and align the material towards the upper right.
…then hit the green Start button.Check the email account that you specified in Step #4.Note:
At the end of a job, you will be asked if you’d like to continue working with the same settings.
If you choose not to, the Digital Sender will revert to its defaults.