Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive


Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Microsoft 365 groups provide an online space that departments, project teams, committees, or other groups can collaborate.  They allow individuals to keep calendars, project notes, files, and more.  Both Groups and Teams contain a SharePoint site to share files.  In general we recommend Microsoft Teams as it will be best for most use cases here.

Features and Benefits:

  • Can be accessed from all supported web browsers, and most mobile devices.
  • Provides a place to store and edit files, as well as keep task lists and calendars
  • Each group owner can add and remove individuals from a Team, Group, or SharePoint site, without having to go through IT.

Authorized Users:

  • Faculty 
  • Staff
  • Students

Request Process:

Any faculty/staff member with access to Microsoft 365 can request an Teams or SharePoint site.  In general - we recommend Teams as the first option for departments/group/committee file storage.

User Responsibilities:

Requirements and Prerequisites:

  • Microsoft 365 Groups should be accessed via supported web browsers only.
  • The Microsoft 365 Group Owner/creator is responsible for managing permissions on the site.  IT can provide guidance, but is not responsible for assigning/correcting permissions.
  • It is strongly recommended that multiple owners are set for each Microsoft 365 group or Team


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