Online Directory Listings

For Secretaries:
  1. Log into
  2. Click on the 'Faculty/Staff Services' tab
  3. Go to 'Faculty Services' and then 'Manage Profile & Office Hours'
  4. Make sure you are editing your department* and then click on 'Manage Directory & Profiles'
  5. There are now a number of functions available to you, including changing the order profiles appear in your directory.
    1. The directory is automatically put in alphabetical order by last name. To change the order manually, you must 'Change Sort Method' to 'Manual'.
    2. You should then have a cursor with 4 arrows, meaning you can drag each profile to rearrange it to your liking.
  6. You can also edit profiles in your directory by clicking the gear icon in the Action column. This brings up the same interface as though you were editing your own profile.

* If you do not have access to your department in the drop down, please click "Request Service" at the top-right of this page and request access to your department's listing.

For Faculty/Staff Members:

  1. Log into
  2. Click on the 'Faculty/Staff Services' tab
  3. Go to 'Faculty Services' and then 'Manage Profile & Office Hours'
  4. This is where you can edit your profile and office hours.
  5. When editing your profile you can enter as much professional information you wish. Here you cannot change your title but you can append an additional title (ex. if you enter "/Chair" your title will now read "Associate Professor/Chair")
  6. When you are changing your office hours, make sure you are making the changes for the correct term. To change this click on 'Change Term' at the bottom of your screen

Request Service

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