Lab Printing & Releasing Queue (PaperCut)

Printing from a Lab Workstation  (click here to learn more about wireless printing)

  1. Select "print" from within your application.
  2. The print job will automatically be sent to the printer queue of the computer lab you are presently using.
  3. Once the print job is in the print queue, it will be held as 'pending' until you give your permission to release the job and debit your print quota.
  4. To release your job, look for the PaperCut "Balance Window" on your desktop and click on the link labeled "Details."  You can also release your print jobs by opening a browser to (it is safe to confirm the security certificate, if asked).
  5. The "Details" link will open a browser to your printing account and will display information about your print history, carbon footprint, and print jobs pending release.
  6. To see your current print jobs, click on the "Jobs Pending Release" link.
  7. Once the pending jobs are displayed, you have two options: "Print" and "Cancel."  If you select "Print," your job will print and your print quota will be debited; if you select "Cancel," the print job will be removed and your quota will be left unchanged.

Resolving Problems with Lab Printing

 If the "Printing Balance Window" does not appear and/or the icon is missing from your system tray, the print control system may not be active and printing will not be possible.  Please try restarting your system; if this does not correct the issue, please ask for assistance.

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