Course Content tab in BrightSpace

The Course Content Tab 

The content tab, which is usually accessible from somewhere in the navigation bar, is comprised of several areas including a general overview, a catalog of important bookmarks, and a course schedule. It also functions as a kind of hub for your course. It's the main place students will access course materials. When you begin a course, you'll have the option of importing material here. If you're building a course from scratch, though, you first need to understand modules and sub-modules.

The Brightspace Course Content Tab on D2L

Use the Content tool to post and organize course content so that information about course expectations, course syllabus, lecture notes, and important dates display to users clearly.Course materials you post in Content can include documents, images, media files, URL links, and existing course activities. You can add release conditions, grade items, and learning objectives to topics to ensure users navigate through course materials while fulfilling specific course requirements and learning expectations.

You can also monitor class and user progress as students work through course content by setting automatic (determined by the system) or manual (determined by the student) completion tracking.

The Brightspace Course Content Tab on Youtube

This tutorial shows how to use Course Content

Brightspace Ticket: Support and Services

The associated support ticket form covers all types of BrightSpace requests, including questions about the migration and training materials.

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Article ID: 140874
Tue 1/25/22 11:06 AM
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