The room capacity is: 20

To reserve this room for an upcoming meeting or conference
Please note that this room is primarily used by Facilities Management as the Emergency Operations Center. Meetings booked here may be cancelled during campus emergencies.
To turn on the Television
- Use the provided Television remote control
To display the Computer
- Power on the computer and log in
- Use the provided Television remote control to change inputs on the Television
To display a Laptop
- Connect your equipment using the VGA cable provided at the Television
- Use the provided Television remote control to change inputs on the Television
For more information, walk in to the Service Desk in Humanities 103 or call 845-257-HELP (4357).
For a better understanding of audio visual technology, review the IT Glossary For Users.
Submit a ticket if you are experiencing a Classroom or Lab Technology Issue.
To loan AV technology, receive one-on-one AV technology training, and more, submit an Audio Visual Request.