Opening Encrypted Email - Non-Microsoft 365 users

If you are not an Office 365 user, and have received an encrypted message from SUNY New Paltz, these instructions apply.  If you are a Microsoft 365 user, see the Related Article on this page titled "Opening Encrypted Email - Microsoft 365 users".

Things to be aware of BEFORE opening encrypted email

  • Just because an attachment is encrypted, doesn't mean that it is safe.  You should be just as cautious in opening attachments in encrypted messages, as you are for unencrypted messages.  If you aren't expecting the attachment, you should check with the sender (via phone, or in person if possible) about whether the attachment is legitimate.

  • Once you receive the message you can download any attachments to your computer.  They will then be unencrypted.  For security reasons, you may want to keep any attachments within the email instead of saving/keeping them on your computer.

Opening Encrypted Email

Information on how to open messages that have been encrypted via Microsoft Encrypted emails, see the article below from Microsoft's site.


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