Email Lists: General Email List Policies

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Mailing List Policy for SUNY New Paltz

The mailing list facility, like all computing resources on campus, is provided to support the academic, research and administrative activities of the University.

Each list supported by the University’s mailing list system must have a faculty, staff or current student “sponsor” or “owner” who manages the list through the tools provided and is ultimately responsible for the behavior of participants and the use of the list. People not associated with the University an certainly be included in and take part in list discussions, but lists cannot be provided for the use of outside organizations without appropriate permission.

Types of Lists:

  • General Campus, Administrative, and Emergency announcements

  • Organizational discussions (recognized student, faculty, and or staff groups)

  • Academic or administrative discussion lists (pertaining to a single topic – can include both local and remote users)

  • Departmental communication with students or faculty

  • Lists relating to an event such as a conference

Establishing a Mailing List

  • For Academic discussion mailing lists, the content must reasonably reflect the field of expertise, research, or study of the list sponsor as it relates to their function at the university. In cases where this is in doubt, the signature of the sponsor’s department chair/director may be required to accompany a list application as confirmation that the purpose of the list is legitimate.

  • For Organization or group mailing lists, the group must be a recognized department, organization, or program on this campus. All union/labor related mailing lists must be approved by the Human Resources Department.

  • For Student Organizations, please contact the Center for Student Engagement about using the Engage tool.

List Ownership/Sponsorship

  • List sponsors or owners are responsible for maintaining their list. This includes archiving the list (if desired), subscribing, and unsubscribing members, and moderating the list (if the list is setup to be moderated).

  • For non-mandatory lists, users should be able to unsubscribe themselves. If they cannot unsubscribe themselves, any such request made to the owner should be honored within one week.

List sponsors and owners are expected to abide by all computing resources usage policies put forth by the University regarding Information Technology Resources.  See our policy section of this site for more information.

List Removal & Deletion

  • A list may be deleted at any time by Information Technology Services at the request of the list sponsor/owner.

  • Information Technology Services reserves the right to suspend or delete lists that are:

    • Misused

    • Do not comply with the established policies

    • Pose a threat to system security or integrity

    • Are not being used for their original purpose

    • Inactive for a period of more than one year

General Rules

  • Information Technology Services (ITS) provides mailing list mailing lists as a service to the campus community. As such, ITS reserves the right to make alterations in the service at any time for the sake of the common good of all users.

  • Information Technology Services reserves the right to make changes to any list’s configuration without notice in the following cases (not exhaustive):
    • to correct errors
    • to make upgrades, changes, or improvements to the system
    • where the list owner has been negligent or lax in conducting required list maintenance.
  • Information Technology Services reserves the right to restrict or deny any user’s access to or privileges on any mailing list with due cause. The mailing list software may automatically and selectively deny service to users based on bounced, or excessive e-mail or other detected problems.

  • Information Technology Services reserves the right to block any attachment types that can potentially carry viruses, or any attachments that go over a reasonable size. The smaller the list membership, the larger the allowed attachment size.

These policies are subject to change. The most up to date version of these policies is available at the Information Technology site.

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Article ID: 21003
Wed 12/7/16 10:01 AM
Mon 5/13/24 11:31 AM