Getting Started with WinSCP

Getting started with WinSCP:

WinSCP is a program that you can use to upload files from your computer to your New Paltz web space.  Creating a profile in WinSCP in any Windows lab on campus, click on the WinSCP icon that you'll find in the "Start" menu.  If you are not in a lab on campus you also have the option to download the client to your own PC from the WinSCP site.  To install WinSCP, just double-click on the downloaded installer and accept all of the defaults; continue clicking "next" until you reach "Finish."

Initial WinSCP Set-up:

The first time you run WinSCP, you will see a window like this:

Image of WinSCP login screen.  Required values listed below.


Enter the following details, as listed below:

  • Host name:
  • Port number: 22
  • User name: Your NPCUID
  • Password: Your password
  • Protocol: SFTP (allow SCP fallback)

Select the "Save..." button; this will display the above window again. To continue, select "Login."

See Also:

Guide to WinSCP

WinSCP Help

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Article ID: 22331
Tue 1/3/17 2:57 PM
Fri 12/7/18 11:54 AM

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