Apple (MAC): Connect a USB Drive on the Apple OSX VDI Client?

Tags Flash mac USB VDI

On some versions of Mac OSX you will not be asked to set up a connection for your USB drive during the VDI client installation process.  If this occurs, or if you lose USB connectivity at any point and need to re-establish the connection, follow the steps below:

1.  From the menu at the top of the screen (if the menu is hidden, hover your mouse near the top of the screen for a moment until the menu appears), select Connection.  From the menu that opens, select USB and then Start remote desktop USB services.

Connection menu, USB menu, start remote desktop USB services button highlighted

2.  When the dialog box opens, select Continue.

Permissions window asking to input Admin password

3.  When you are asked, enter your Mac Administrator Name and Password (not your New Paltz username and password).  If you are prompted to provide the server name, enter  

Username and password screen for Mac Admin

Please note: it may take a few moments to establish the connection 

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VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) is a service that allows users to remotely access a variety of software programs provided by the university.

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