Conference Room Master Spreadsheet

Below is a link to a comprehensive list of conference room spaces and related information.  

Conference Room Spaces Master Spreadsheet (click here to view spreadsheet) 

Document headers defined:

Room – Location of space, building abbreviation room number
O365 Booking - If it is possible to reserve the space using O365. See KB article Booking a Conference Room in Office 365 for more information. 
Room Capacity – How many people can comfortably use the space.
Room Type - Room Type categorized by standard meeting / event types
AV Type – Audio Visual equipment available in the space.
Video Teleconference Capability – If the AV equipment supports Telephone, WebEx, VTC or Web Cam meetings.
Department – Managing Department of Space
Room Manager – Individual in charge of managing room calendar and room bookings. Main contact if you are interested in booking a space.    
Secondary Contact – Backup contact if room manager is unavailable.
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Article ID: 65237
Mon 10/15/18 1:33 PM
Mon 7/12/21 9:58 AM

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